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UISD Recognizes Hard Work of Attendance Clerks and Officers

Posted Date: 09/21/2023

UISD Recognizes Hard Work of Attendance Clerks and Officers

UISD and elected officials honored attendance clerks and officers, saying they motivate students and reduce truancy.

“You play a major role in the lives of students,” Justice of the Peace Jose “Pepe” Salinas told a room packed with attendance officers and clerks. “You are our eyes and ears out there.”

The ceremony held on Sept. 19 at the Bill Johnson Student Activity Complex highlighted a joint proclamation issued by Mayor Dr. Victor Trevino and Webb County Judge Tano Tijerina to celebrate September as National Attendance Awareness Month. UISD is observing Sept. 18-22  as “Attendance Clerk and Attendance Officer Appreciation Week.’’

The UISD Office of Admissions, Attendance, Drop Out Recovery and Planning hosted the event, which also included Justice of the Peace Robert “Bobby” Quintana.

Burger King marketing officials announced that Burger King is promoting attendance and schools that would like to participate can pick students with perfect attendance to be crowned “Burger King and Queen” and families will receive complimentary meals. They also plan on having Burger King Night where staff from schools will work at the restaurants and  proceeds will be presented to the schools.

Thelma Martinez, Admissions Director, said there are 98 attendance clerks and officers in the district.

Judge Tijerina was the guest speaker and inspired the room with his own personal story.

Ultimately, attendance clerks and officers mentored him to go far in life and pursue a higher education. “They were friends of mine and to be quite honest with you, they are the reason I am here today … because of people who motivated me, encouraged me, pushed me,” Tijerina said.

He said that the attendance officers and clerks are the first to raise red flags when something is wrong.

And they are often a shoulder to cry on.

“Only you know what motivates them and pushes their buttons. Every single one of you has a certain calling,” he said. “You’re here for a reason and purpose and don’t ever forget that.”

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