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UISD Provides Employees Free Worksite Catapult Health Screenings

Posted Date: 11/07/2023

UISD Provides Employees Free Worksite Catapult Health Screenings

The UISD Employee Wellness Committee has partnered with Catapult Health to offer a new life-saving health screening for employees. The worksite program kicked off November 1st at Alexander High School with great success.


Dozens of employees used a QR code to sign up for the first of several free health check-ups scheduled throughout the district during November and December.  The program was last offered in 2019, and is back by popular demand with a goal of 1,000 employees participating this year. 


The revolutionary exam features the collection of blood with a device called “Tasso” which was invented during the Pandemic to allow patients the ability to collect their own blood sample at home.  


In the current exams, a certified technician is present at a worksite to collect the blood with the Tasso device which is securely attached to the arm after a short warming process with a heating pad for good blood flow.


Short sleeves are recommended for easy access to the upper arm. Surprisingly, those who undergo the process agree it is virtually painless, and it only takes a few minutes to gather the required blood in a small tube which is then sent off by the technician to a lab for results.


Participants are asked to answer a few questions, then schedule a follow up appointment within a few days with a board-certified nurse practitioner who will review the results in a private online video conference. 


Currently, the program is available to all UISD full time employees who are fully insured with a Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO, with no need for a referral.  The worksite checkup only takes about 10-15 minutes and assesses key health metrics. Important health risks for costly chronic conditions can be identified early such as hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.


The employee also receives an easy-to-understand personal health report explaining all the lab results, completely confidential and not shared with the employer. A Personal Action Plan is provided, so employees can improve and optimize their health.


The work checkup is not designed to replace a doctor’s visit, but rather to give the employees the opportunity to learn more about their health needs in a private, quick and convenient setting and follow up with their personal physicians. 


Cordelia Sarabia, the Wellness Coordinator, says it’s a proactive approach to healthcare.  


“We want to empower employees to take their health into their own hands in the convenience of their own workplace,” she said. “This simple test not only provides valuable health information, it can also help to save lives with early diagnosis and early treatments. The Wellness Committee considers this a top tier activity and hopes to bring it back next year.”


Abraham Hernandez, Wellness member from the UISD Department of Risk Management, says the program also covers behavioral and mental wellness ailments such as depression and anxiety.  


“I participated in 2019, and the company has done a lot to speed up the process for employees, making it more appealing to more people,” he said. “We hope they take advantage of its efficiency, convenience and comfort. It is especially attractive to those individuals who experience fear or anxiety of long needles.”

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