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United High School Hosts Annual Career Day for Students

Posted Date: 11/27/2023

United High School Hosts Annual Career Day for Students

Students and staff at United High School kicked off their Thanksgiving holiday by hosting their annual career day. Over 200 professionals from the community were invited to speak to the students and share their experiences in their field hoping to inspire the young minds.

Every guest speaker had six rotations in their schedule meaning that every student was exposed to at least 6 different professions. Guest speakers included: law enforcement officers, real estate agents, artists, military personnel, medical staff and business owners to name a few. 

“Bringing in career speakers of all kinds opens up students’ eyes to professions they might not even know exist,” said United High School Principal Jessica Salazar. “The goal is to expose them early on to the different career opportunities out there.”    

U.S. Border Patrol Special Operations Supervisor, Joseph LeClaire, said he enjoyed speaking to the students and encouraging them to explore different possibilities. 

“I love career days at United High School, they make us feel so welcomed. It’s important for us to go to schools and show students what we do. We don’t just drive around and inspect check points, we use top-level technology.”

After visiting with the students, guest speakers posed for a group photo and were treated to a delicious Thanksgiving lunch at the Longhorn library as a token of appreciation. 

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