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United ISD Celebrates World Down Syndrome Day Across the District

Posted Date: 03/21/2025

United ISD Celebrates World Down Syndrome Day Across the District

The United ISD Special Education Department gathered with students, parents and staff to celebrate the unique talents of individuals across the district on World Down Syndrome Day, including a proclamation, fashion show and an exciting basketball game.

The 3rd annual Cherish Center Down Syndrome celebration took place at the Elias Herrera Middle School with a proclamation by Laredo Mayor Dr. Victor Treviño and Webb County Commissioner Ricky Jaime, which was followed by a fashion show sponsored by A21 Modeling Studio and Falcon Bank.  Local models Marcela Delgado and Gabriela Ramirez helped the students with free modeling classes. 

Cheering on the students were UISD Board Member Dianelle Martinez, Superintendent Dr. Gerardo Cruz, Executive Director of Special Education Laura De Los Santos and staff, including Directors Joseph Lopez, Francisco Gutierrez and Jaime Garza. 

De Los Santos said the event is getting bigger and better. 

“Every year it evolves into something bigger because our goal is to spread awareness and inclusivity. Every campus in UISD has their own celebration that they do for their students, and we also have this event on a bigger scale where we read a proclamation and invite the community,” she said.

One by one, the students made their way down the stage showing off their fashion flair and catwalk skills. The audience was full of proud parents capturing all the action and glamour.

Across town, basketball teams were on fire at the United South High School’s Second Annual Down With Hoops event. The gym was packed with students who roared with approval as the athletes raced across the court to score big. The event emphasized inclusion of all students - from cheerleaders to supporters to the basketball players.

Erika Salinas, a United ISD diagnostician who was involved with the start of the first Down with Hoops event, said that once again, the game was a huge success.

“Last year, we had our first annual Down With Hoops. We planned to support inclusion of students with disabilities,” Salinas said. “It was a huge success. Everybody enjoyed it. This year, we made it a point to create a second annual Down with Hoops and our main focus is inclusion. We always have big support from the student body, teachers, administration, parents, everyone.”

Sinneh Koroma, Magnet Dean at USHS, said that the World Down Syndrome Day “is a way to celebrate and recognize individuals with Down syndrome and attempt to create awareness so we all can recognize that there are unique and special abilities within all of us.”

“It’s about students and we have a great group of students and we teach them about embracing each person as an individual,” he added.

World Down Syndrome Day (March 21) is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012 in order to raise public awareness of Down Syndrome. It promotes access to health care, early intervention programs, inclusive education, as well as appropriate research, all vital to the growth and development of the individual. 

The United Nations says Down Syndrome or Trisomy 21 is a naturally occurring chromosomal arrangement that has always been a part of the human condition. UISD is proud to feature the extraordinary talents and accomplishments of the Down Syndrome students.









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