UISD counselors have put together their favorite websites and videos to help parents deal with the stress of the Coronavirus. We want all students and their families to know that they are loved. For up to date information about school operations, please refer to United ISD. ALL COUNSELORS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH THEIR CAMPUS “COUNSELOR’S CORNER” ON THEIR RESPECTIVE CAMPUS WEBSITE.
Below is a video link to a parent guide from WhyTry. This is a valuable tool to guide you as parents on how to model resiliency and encourage healthy together time with your kids during these unprecedented times.
The Yucky Bug
Written By: Julia Cook
Illustrated: Emerson Elementary Kids
Talking To Your Child About
The Coronavirus
Social Emotional
Learning at Home
If you or someone you know is in need of help, the following hotlines are available
See Something...Say Something
Si tü o alguien que conoces necesita ayuda, las siguientes lîneas telefonicas estan disponibles:
Si ves algo...di algo