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Management Programs


What is the Safety Training for Swim Coaches Program?

Program Description: Aquatic safety training for competitive swim coaches.  This program was developed cooperatively by the American Red Cross and the United States Swimming Association.  

Course Length: 7 hours

Fee: $50.00   (Check or Money Order) (Payable to UISD)

Registration Deadline is one week before the first day of class.

What is the Lifeguard Management Program?

Program Description: This course teaches individuals the roles and responsibilities of a lifeguard supervisor with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively manage lifeguards and to create an environment that keeps patrons, lifeguards, and the aquatic facility safe.

Course Length: 16 hours

Fee: $100.00 (Check or Money Order) (Payable to UISD)

Registration Deadline is one week before the   first day of class