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Guidance & Counseling

Melissa Chapa Ramirez Melissa Chapa Ramirez

Director of Guidance and Counseling

(956) 473-5248



TOPIC: Drug Free Communities Support Program

The Legalization of Marijuana - The Dangers of Vaping Marijuana

Click on the blue button below for Zoom link and more information.



Mission Statement

The United Independent School District Guidance and Counseling department’s mission is to implement a comprehensive school counseling program to promote student success through academic achievement, promote prevention and intervention activities to provide a safe and nurturing environment, provide social/emotional and career development and increase student’s admittance and success in institutions of higher learning.

Partners for Scholars – Criteria for the Selection of Scholarship Recipients

Program Overview

United Independent School District’s Guidance & Counseling program provides competencies to fully develop each student’s academic, career, personal and social abilities in grades pre-K through 12th grade. Their main goal is to help make the student’s school experience a positive one so that their fullest potential can be reached, becoming happy, healthy, contributing members of society.

Counselors will implement A Comprehensive, Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program. This counseling program provides a systematic approach to helping students acquire and apply basic life skills by making desirable use of the special knowledge and skills of school counselors. The four (4) components that comprise this Model are:

  1. Guidance Curriculum provides guidance content in a systematic way to all students, usually through classroom meetings. The purpose of Guidance Curriculum is for awareness, skill development, and application of the skills needed in everyday life.
  2. Responsive Services addresses the immediate concerns of students, usually through individual or group counseling. The purpose of Responsive Services is for prevention and intervention.
  3. Individual Planning assists students in monitoring and understanding their own development in areas of education, career, and personal/social, usually through the development of academic and career plans. The purpose of Individual Planning is for students to plan and set goals.
  4. System Support includes program and staff support activities and services. The purpose of System Support is the program delivery and support of staff.

Counselors provide services in the areas of Character Education, Bullying Prevention, Anger Management, Self Esteem, Substance Abuse Awareness, Parenting sessions, Violence Prevention and abide by Senate Bill 158 which reads: “Requires each elementary, middle, junior high and high school counselor to advise students and their parents regarding the importance of higher education, coursework designed to prepare students for higher education, and financial aid availability and requirements. Requires extensive student/parent counseling regarding higher education during the student’s first year in high school and again during the student’s senior year.”

The Professional School Counselor:

  • Is a certified, specially trained, professional educator.
  • Has at least two to three years of successful teaching experience.
  • Has a Masters Degree and counseling certification.
  • Is committed to providing a comprehensive, developmental guidance program for all students.
  • Is a motivator, facilitator, teacher, guide, coordinator, resource, liaison, advocate, coach, encourager, and a person who assists students, parents, teachers, and administrators.

Students see their counselor by referral from:

  • Themselves
  • Teachers
  • Parents
  • Administrators
  • Friends

2021 House Bill 3 PSA English and Spanish



Name Position Email Phone
Melissa Chapa Ramirez Director of Guidance and Counseling (956) 473-5248
Isela Jarell Instructional PEIMS Coordinator (956) 473-2182
Michelle B. Gonzalez Guidance Program Coordinator (956) 473-2180
Elvira Salinas Program Coordinator - Elementary Counseling and Social Emotional Learning (956) 473-5254
Brenda Garza Guidance & Counseling Assistant (956) 473-5254


Guidance & Counseling - Scholarship Opportunities

Guidance & Counseling - Parent Mental Health Recordings

Guidance & Counseling - New House Bill 5 Four Year Plans with Endorsement

Guidance & Counseling - Testing Information

Guidance & Counseling - Career Planning!

Guidance & Counseling - Transcripts

Guidance & Counseling - Mental Health & Wellness

Guidance & Counseling - Documents

Guidance & Counseling - Links

Guidance & Counseling - Financial Aid

Guidance & Counseling - University/College