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PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports)

PBIS focuses on proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments.

The PBIS principles are as follows:

  • Develop behavior and academic interventions and supports
  • Use data to make decisions and solve problems
  • Arrange the environment to prevent the development and occurrence of inappropriate behavior
  • Teach and encourage prosocial skills and behaviors
  • Implement behavioral practices with fidelity and accountability
  • Screen universally and monitor student performance & progress continuously

The school PBIS team will focus on three to five behavioral expectations that are positively stated and easy to remember. The team then creates a matrix of what the behavioral expectations/rules look like, sound like, and feel like in the classroom as well as non-classroom areas (i.e. Hallway, Gym, Restroom, Cafeteria, Playground, Media Center/Library, etc.). Another primary activity for the PBIS team is determining how the behavioral expectations and routines will be taught in and around the school. The PBIS team also establishes a reward/incentive program for students and staff who demonstrate the school’s behavioral expectations.

The climate of each learning community is different; therefore, PBIS behavioral expectations are based on the needs of each school. The following images depict each school’s PBIS Expectations for their students and staff:


PBIS Schools​

Discipline Management Resources

Student Code of Conduct

Discipline Management - Contest Information

Discipline Management - Contest Winners