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Racial Profiling Policy


The purpose of this policy is to unequivocally state that racial and ethnic profiling in law enforcement are totally unacceptable , to provide guidelines for officers to prevent such occurrences, and to reinforce procedures that serve to ensure public confidence and mutual trust through the provision of services in a fair and equitable fashion, and to protect our officers from unwarranted accusations when they act within the dictates of the law and Department policy.

A fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States to all who live in this nation is to equal protection under the law. Along with this right to equal protection is the fundamental right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures by government agents. Citizens are free to walk and drive our streets, highways, and other public places without police interference so long as they obey the law. They are also entitled to be free from crime, and from the depredations of criminals, and to drive and walk our public ways safe from the actions of reckless and careless drivers.

This department is charged with protecting these rights, for all, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, physical handicap, religion or other belief system. Officers shall conduct themselves in a dignified and respectful manner at all times when dealing with the public.
Because of the nature of their business, law enforcement officers are required to be observant, to identify unusual occurrences and law violations, and to act upon them. It is the proactive enforcement that keeps our citizens free from crime, our streets and highways safe to drive upon, and that detects and apprehends criminals. Officers shall actively enforce city ordinances, state and federal Laws in a responsible and professional manner, without regard to race, ethnicity or national origin. Officers are strictly prohibited from engaging in racial profiling as defined by this policy. This policy shall be applicable to all persons, whether drivers, passengers or pedestrians.


Police Officers of United Independent School District are strictly prohibited from engaging in racial profiling.

Complaint Process

Any person who believes that a police officer employed by the UISD Police Department has engaged in racial profiling with respect to that person may file a complaint with the Department, and no person shall be discouraged, intimidated, or coerced from filing such a complaint, or be discriminated against because they have filed such a complaint.

How do I file a complaint?

A person wishing to file a complaint should first contact a supervisor at the UISD Police Department. The supervisor will give you UISD Police Department Personnel Complaint Form. If you are unable to come to the UISD Police Department, a form will be mailed to you.

Complaints of misconduct must be filed within thirty days of the occurrence.
You are required to submit a complaint form with your signature. A notarized form is preferred but not required;

An investigation of the complaint will be conducted as thoroughly as possible.

Police Resources